Professional Website
TECH 272


Code for a small table

code for a small table

Try coding it ww_services.html.

Web Works Services
Domain Names and Hosting This is our bread and butter! Hosting is a really easy way to make some much needed cash in this business. That's why we push it on our customers.
Web Site Development We love to build web sites and it shows! Take a look at some site we like, but didn't really build. Here is one of our favorites! Name and link to site.
Site Maintenance Here's another good way to make some quick cash. Once you have a site set-up properly using CSS, updates should be relatively easy.
Training Don't forget our training opportunities either! Our instructors are certified Web Works professionals.

Spanning Columns

colspan example

Spanning Rows

Welcome to Dreamweaver!

  • HTML editor - assists in creating HTML and (ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, JSP, and more) pages
  • Creating a Site in DW
    • helps you keep your local files together and organized
    • one touch file transfer!
    • local file/directory structure must be mirror image of remote file/directory structure to work properly

Video Tutorials from Adobe

Now try creating the same table using Dreamweaver using this video.


Homework 5: Tables

Create a file named hw5.html with YOUR OWN table (not the table we did in class).

Your table needs to include...

  1. at least one rowspan
  2. at least one colspan
  3. at least 5 rows and 4 columns
  4. a picture in each row

    Link hw5.html to your homepage using the Homework list on your homepage. Have the clickable text read HW5: Tables


practice table